Monday, January 5, 2009

The Prodigal Son / FAT COW / Brother & Heir

There are nuggets of Gold all over, we just need to be looking to find them!

I remember the story about the prodigal son. Most remember the story because of the LOST SON THAT RETURNS.... BUT they forget about the FAT COW!

What's the Fat Cow have to do with anything? Well a Fat Cow is one who is eating good because the farmer is wealthy! This cow was killed when the son returned. The son who stayed home asked the dad, why does he get the cow at his feast? The father said to that son "This cow was always yours, you could have had it at any time." We think, that we constantly need to ASK God instead of understanding What He already gave us. In doing so we need to KNOW who we are in Christ. Our Identity! We can not achieve this by "God's ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts ours" for then we never become one with Him. Biblical research will reveal (if you are searching for them) just exactly what we have as an HEIR (as a child) of God's. I am NOT saying we deserve it! I am saying because of grace it has been given.

Think hard next time you decide to pray (ask) God for something. It may have been given to you, you just lack the knowledge of how to obtain it! So to ask for it, may not be entirely correct to do. Hmmm, that might sound a little confusing...

Example: Jesus said "All Power and Authority has been given to me and I give it to you." So what do you do when temptation comes knocking? (Pray? or Command!?) I am NOT saying for anyone to be living this way in their own Power, but in Christ's. "So let him who boasts boasts in the Lord." I am saying we are heirs of Christ, so we have already been given a certain amount.

Just a thought-
If we do not know what we have, we have little, we live as peasants!
If we do know what we have been given, we have much, and live ask Kings!

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