Monday, August 18, 2008

Chasing Manifestations-Is It OK?

I meditate on conversations, this one was at guys night out. (Philippians 4:8) It is good to keep one another accountable with each other! This kind of friendship is hard to come by.

My understanding of a Manifestation is; Bringing to the visible, what is invisible. (Bringing something Supernatural to the natural.) A manifestation is also known as a "Blessing" from God. You may call it a gift.
Matthew 7:7-12
"Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10. Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11. If you then , though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, HOW MUCH MORE WILL YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN GIVE GOOD GIFTS TO THOSE WHO ASK HIM!
Recently, at guys night out, this topic came up "Chasing Manifestations". I am not sure why that topic came up, if it was because of me, or something else. I didn't make that connection, but because I heard it I felt I needed to meditate on it. While I understand everyones heart on the subject, I certainly hope that they do not see me as a "Manifestations Chaser". It is not that I care what others think of me, I just don't want to be thought of as one chasing after the gift and not the giver. I also don't want to have anyone led astray because of it. There is a deeper area here that I think they are missing. It is CONNECTION! I am not seeking after God's gift, but understanding HIM through it. I don't know if that is clear enough. Let see, (And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6) What I am understanding in my journey is my Identity in Him. My FAITH.

I personally am not chasing after "Healing" as a manifestation, but finding out how Jesus' main ministry "manifestations" relates to me and my life. If Jesus did it, told us to do it, what's that look like for me? I now have a deeper understanding of it, because I searched it, and in searching I found other references to other related topics- love, faith, doubt, my identity, unity, righteousness, sovereignty, the supernatural, forgiveness, etc. and an overall deeper relationship to God.

As for what other say about "Chasing Manifestations" I found a simular scripture Paul was talking to other Christians. This is good! (Philippians 1:18 "But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, WHATEVER from FAULSE MOTIVES OR TRUE, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.")

In this verse Paul was pleased that God's work was getting done by fellow Christians, WHATEVER their motives were. In this same manner, if a (Christian) chases after a "manifestation" there will be only one outcome at the end of that trail, and that will be a stronger relationship with God. BECAUSE that trail will inevitably lead them back to the source and that is a relationship with God. I think others believe that the "manifestation" can become an idol. I disagree! They can not make a manifestation on their own, it is THROUGH GOD IN THEM that produces it. So anyone can chase it all they want, there is only one place they will find it, that is a relationship with God.

Now, I want to clearly state here, I am NOT talking about "people" in general, I am talking about Christians. Like you and me who already have a solid foundation in the Lord. If an unbeliever chases after an "manifestation" it has potential to be bad if they do NOT know who the giver is.

I do find it funny how the word "manifestation" can almost have a negative effect when it is in reference to "healing" or "Shekinah" or an over all desire to "Physically Feel God's Presence" in us. BUT yet when we talk about LOVE and how we should display that towards others, that is OK. Love is another Form that we don't catagorize as "manifestation" and yet it is. God is Love. We are to LOVE others; bring to the "flesh" what is in "Spirit". Manifest His presence in us. Ahhh! Now it's OK to chase a manifestation! Yes, it's quite funny when you think about it that way Frank!

I'm saving the BEST for last. In conclusion IS CHASING AFTER MANIFESTATIONS OK? YES! Unless you call Jesus something else? (the Son of God made in flesh) (Supernatural made into the Natural)
Romans 16:26-27 (Talking about Jesus) But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen. John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

We all have DIFFERENT drives in us. In a body there are many members, I do not understand it, but mine is "healing". I want to make it know WHY I speak so much on this issue of Healing. BECAUSE the church doesn't! (I've never heard a sermon preached about healing in any home church I belonged to) Because it was Jesus' main ministry and that is the thing we see the least of in the church today. I am trying to bring a balance to what we hear, not to much of some things over the other. I am NOT chasing after "Healing" rather understanding what Jesus appointed us to have. There is a deeper reason, don't look surface level. "FAITH comes by Hearing, and Hearing by the Word of God." I hope I have given others a deeper Faith through my "writing" on healing.

I want to end this with an observation I've been noticing. I've recently have been to a lot of conferences. I noticed that at these conventions they did promotional giveaways at every one. Giving away books, CD's and DVD's. After they did their little promotion on each item, they asked the crowd (audience) if anyone wanted it. Of course almost everyone raised their hands. Do you know who were the ones who got it. THE CHASERS! These were the ones who at once got out of there seat, ran to the front, and threw up their arms. My point here is, to what degree do you want to go to get something, maybe even a manifestation? Go for it! God wants to Bless those who seek him.

Hebrews 11:6
But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.


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