Saturday, August 23, 2008

East Coast Prophetic Conference 8.23.08

Prophesy is for EVERYONE!

A lot of people think of prophesy as a Gift given to only certain people. Here's the deal, that is partially true. There are those who are strongly gifted in the Prophetic. They are the ones who are gifted. The truth is, it is for everyone. Well, how can I say that. (By the way, I am not alone on this) Paul says so. "And Seek EARNESTLY the BEST gift, Prophesy." Why Prophesy? Because prophesy is for building everyone up, and ediying one another in the church. It is also shown to be to non believers as another way God showing Himself through us. Let me back that with scripture.

1 Corinthians 14:39
Therefore, brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak with tongues.

1 Corinthians 14:31
For you can all prophesy one by one, that all may learn and all may be encouraged.

You see, Paul would NOT say, Earnestly Seek prophesy, that was NOT available for everyone. That would be misleading and wrong to send everyone on a wild goose chase. Further more he was saying use it to edify on another.

1 Corinthians 14:26-40

First prophetic teaching we broke into groups of 2 people each (preferably someone you didn't know). He started off telling everyone do not be nervous if you don't get it right, we need to break that fear barrior. We may Not hit it all the time. And it may be a future event that means nothing currently. We then prayed. Then connected with God. Allowing Him to speak to us or show us with words, descriptions, visions, pictures, whatever He shows you, then reveal it to the other person.

Second prophetic teaching we broke into groups of 4 people each. We did NOT know which person we were to prophesy to. We then prayed. Then connected with God. Allowing Him to speak to us or show us with words, descriptions, visions, pictures, whatever He reveal to us. Then we were told, it was going to be for the person who has the earliest birthday in the group. We did that again without knowing who it was for, for the person who has the latest birthday in the group. And then again not knowing who it was for, come to find out it was for yourself. I got for myself, Dove, Eagle and Angel. My interpretation: (Peace, Boldness to go After, and Protection.) All have wings, so I interpret that as (Freedom.)

(Saturday Conference) - Prophetic Words For Me:
First we prayed.
Then we were encouraged to stay and help prophesy to the next person in turn.

Prophesy (from woman)- I got a picture of you, someone who has really taken a challenge on, your not afraid of it, your intesity and commitment, and see it as a real streangth in you. God's put it in you, you can do it, your the guy that can get the job done, I see the tenaciousness in you, and I see that is something that God has put in you and you tackle things in your ife but in particularly the things putting on your heart in the way He may be leading you to searve. what ever compacity that this tenaciousness which has come out and grand ways over that works not to hold yourself back at all, but to just let it go, let it loose and you will see just amazing fruits come out of that.

Prophesy (from man)- I seen you as a Pastor, as a Teacher, as a Leader, I think you have that heart within you. That gift inside of you, and I just saw the Lord teaching you how to go about doing that. Giving you clarity and direction moving yourself into full time ministry, and doing that kind of thing. And I just also saw the Lord giving you strength and peace, and really being a Shield for you, and all you desire, and the Lord being really strong on your behalf, and the favor of the Lord is upon you, and all that your gonna do. He's gonna make a way, even though it looks like there is a brick wall in front of you. He's going to carve out a door for you to walk through and your gonna have no pressure anymore and your gonna take on the load of Christ. The burden of Christ, and it's gonna be easy, it's like the yoke, your gonna be passionate about, your gonna be passionate about having compassion for others, having a heart for other people, your gonna see the Love God has for other people. Your gonna speak that over them, and I think that goes along with the gift of Prophesy that you have. Being able to speak the Word of God through you, and your gonna be like an arrow speaking into people, and being able to deliver them from a stronghold or bondage that they may have, and really being able to cut the yokes and the chains that really bind them.

Hebrews 11:16
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek him.

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