Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Background in Healing

Do you believe "God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him?"

Since I was young there were stories in the bible that stood out to me. The women with the issue of blood, the fig tree Jesus cursed, the soldier that had his servant healed, Peter walking on water, etc. These were unexplainable through the teaching I have heard on the subject over the years. I knew, I felt a deeper meaning was there but was not revealed. Then about 6 years ago I went on a Men's camping trip and we discussed the topic of healing. That stirred up something in me. Shortly after the trip, a good friend gave me the Bible on audio CDs. I listened to them over and over again. Unsettled by the divided discussion on the matter of healing, I desided to research it biblically. Listening to the Bible over and over again (way over 30 or 40 times -New Testament) I put together a list that composed of What miracle happened? Who got healed? What took place that got them healed? (faith etc.) After my research I had a lot of questions answered! BUT I had a lot of new ones arise. I was stuck. I didn't know where to go for answers.

Then by divine appointment early in 2007, I heard Andrew Wommack speak on Christian channel (I never have that channel on) I just was flippen the channels late one night, stopped there, went in the next room to get a drink, then heard him talking about healing. I quickly ran back to the TV with pen and paper in hand. Took down his name and book (You've Already Got It- So quit trying to get it) I did a search for it the next day, and downloaded his audio book. He answered a lot of the questions I had. I listened to many other of his sermons that year and grew a lot. By the end of that year (2007) I started to understand exactly who I was in Christ and all I had in Him.

Towards the end of 2007 Pastor Jim Baker came to our class and spoke on healing. I was siked because there was someone else believed like I did! He spoke of another healer, Bill Johnson. From there it escaladed to researching other pastors and prophets and purchasing their sermons online. During this time one late evening in November, I had the presence of the Holy Spirit fall on me. He fell on me after a time of weeping. From that point on a lot of things started to change. For about the next 2 weeks or so I did not want sex from my wife. I can not explain it, there was a presence of God on me and through me. I started speaking in tongues. I also Hate reading, but was compelled to reading books on healing and my walk with God. I remember one evening during this time, I was in prayer and began to nod off, I was in a moment, woken with a pulse of what can be explained as electricity that made my body jump. It did not feel like earthly electricity and had no after effect. I quickly apologized for nodding off, because I felt like I was rude for doing so and that was His way of saying... "I was just talking to you!" Not to make any excuses for myself, but I never prayed so long as I did before.

During this manifested time of anointing, I did thing that felt natural, and can not even explain why because I never seen or heard anyone else do it. I just started doing it. Felt like it was the right thing to do. I started speaking in tongues every were I went, any were I went, even during while someone else was talking to me. (I should note this was spoken quietly under my breath, not out loud) Even when talking or listening to someone else. I started singing in tongues, even worshiping in tongues. Anytime I saw on TV or in person of a woman wearing revealing clothes, I started speaking tongues. This as I understood it in my heart, was a way of keeping the mind pure. I was also filled with Revelation understanding of the scriptures. Some of which came at me so fast I could not understand it. I typed in what I could and the more I wrote, the more it came to me. A lot of the topics are here in this blog site.

Renewing the mind daily became a nessesity! There is so much crap we see and listen to every day, we do not realize it, but we do not have filters. I realized just what Paul was talking about in the Bible about Renewing and Transforming your mind. Smith Wigglesworth described it best when he did not even look at a newspaper. Yet we all go home after a hard day of work and veg out in from of the TV and plug our minds into.

Another thing that had started to happen to me was visions. They were eyes closed visions, not the open ones some folks have. But it was pretty cool! I saw mostly still pictures, some moving, no sound.

God had given me many new insights and revelations in the Bible. I felt compelled to write them. Many which I wrote about here.

I think it was about December when God told me to go on a fast. Prior to this, I think the last time I fasted was about 1994. I hate fasting, not eating yummy food! This fast God wanted me on was for one or two days each week. He never told me when to stop. So for about 6 months I fasted one or two days each week.

During Christmas vacation at my parents house, my parents dog bit my son Benjamin's ear. I was out side rolling up a nylon net my father used for his chickens. It had a lot of rusted chicken wire tangled inside it and I was pulling it off as I was rolling it up. My mother came running outside all frantic, telling me to go inside the dog just bit Benjamin's ear. I immediately started praying in tongues, praising God, and building myself up in Him. I got inside to find my crying 2 year old squirming like crazy in my wifes arms as she was trying to hold on a towel with ice in it on his ear. The towel had a good amount of blood on it. I got a quick feeling that we need to rush him to get stiches, and I quickly dismissed it from my head. (renewing the mind-this is were physical and Spiritual battle) I took him in my arms and started praying and commanding as I have learned to do. Within what seemed to be a minute or two God told me to put my fingers over his ear lobe and give a soft squeeze as I prayed. So I did. This was satins second attempt to distract me, he reminded me of the rust I had on my fingers. I quickly dismissed that from my head to. The ear immediately stopped bleeding. So naturally I stopped pursuing it. LOL. Come to find out my wife said to me later that day, I wish you didn't stop, she wanted to see a complete healing. It wasn't 3 minutes after all that took place and my oldest son ran around the corner in the kitchen and caught his eye cheek on the corner of the marble counter. He did not cut himself, but he refused me from praying for him. Benjamin's cut ear was completely healed within that week. Noah's bruised eye took over 3-4 weeks to go away.

My manifested presence of anointing lasted about 2 months and slowly dissipated. The only feeling I can relate that to was a Christian High. I used to get them growing up going to Youth Group. Also during my time at YWAM.

Shortly after this time, our pastors wife said a very crucial thing one Sunday morning. "All of me, for All of you Jesus".I was actually glad that she phrased it in that order to. Because all to often we think God needs to come to us, and have this mentality that... I'm here, where are you God? Jesus said "You Will have me when you search for me with ALL your Heart."

OK, WHY HEALING? Good question! It WAS and IS the ministry of Jesus. Jesus said I did not come with words, but by Power to prove who I am. Picture this, you are among people who you are witnessing to, some may believe, some not. You can talk and talk. It takes a lot of effort to have them believe in Christ. You will probably have to befriend them, spend a lot of time with them. Where as in one moment, you can have them ALL believe. Bring up a few people in wheel chairs, deaf, blind, cancer victums and have them healed. There will be no disputing it. They will believe instantly.

HOW DO I KNOW IT IS GOD'S WILL TO HEAL EVERYONE? Good question! We see that in the life of Jesus. Several times it says in the Bible, Jesus Healed ALL. AND we know that Jesus could not do anything unless He saw God the Father do it first. The key is in the Prayer He taught us to pray. .... on Earth as it is in Heaven... Is there sickness in heaven? Matter of fact in order for us to learn about this you need to go to Genesis to find out what we had before the fall and after the fall of man. I don't want to get into that now. The other thing to think about while on this topic is there are (obstacles) hinderances to being healed. So while you may pray in faith, healing will not manifest itself 100% of the time.

I tell you it is a wonderful journey with some hard moments. Very rewarding and challenging too. I am absolutely not there yet, but the journey is awesome! If I can find what I found by digging in, I wonder how Powerful the church as a whole would be? Different avenues opening up for different people and the church becoming a church of Power as Christ intended would be an amazing sight.


Sandy Mastroni said...

I am glad to meet you .
I've been a Christain for a long time ... very lonely though .
One night I typed something desparate and silly in the search box . something like/// God I am depressed .I need help .
and it went to Andrew Wommacks page . I bought You've already got it . I never read a book like this before .I thank God for Andrew . I agree with all that you wrote about tongues and healing
I am glad to meet you .
Please say a prayer for my husband and me .
I will pray for your family too
I am happy to meet you
I will read more of your blog
Thank you

PRAISE GOD IN ALL THINGS Transform Your Mind- Frank Hackl said...

Praise God! Andrew Wommack is a fantastic teacher, with a wonderful heart. He has a free download page of his audio teaching I encourage you to listen to. There are some other real good preachers I encourage you to listen to Bill John for starters, he has some DEEP messages. I've also listened to Todd Bently (in spite of his current marrital problems)

I am currently at a Prophetic conference in SC. I've been chasing God passionately this past year. The beginning of this conference, they said there where 2 types of marriages. Ones that have folks with conflicts, and ones that have folks that lie and say they don't. I will pray for you and your husband. Just know there is NO such thing as a perfect marriage. Stay strong! Praise God in all circumstances. Perseverance is key!