Sunday, July 13, 2008

God Speaks in Various Ways

God Speaks in Various Ways

Do you hear God speak to you?
Can you identify His voice from other voices?
Do you hear Him speak in different ways or just one?
Are you in-tune with His voice everywhere you go?

I want to encourage ALL those who read this to be alert for the voice of God in your life. Until recently I thought God only speaks one way to me. Upon deeper understanding I realised He speaks to me in multiple ways. I want to share some ways with you so you to can find other ways He speaks to you, so you can be discerning and alert to react when He speaks.

I have been reading a very good book. "How To Hear The Voice Of God In A Noisy World" by Teresa Seputis

Teresa describes several ways... Three I will talk about now.

"How to hear the Voice of God in a Noisy World"
by Teresa Seputis

page 170

Another type of communication God uses is a word of knowledge. A word of knowledge takes place when God shows someone something about the condition of another person. He does this because He wants to minister to the need of that person. The most common form of the word of knowledge relates to physical ailments that God wants to heal. But He also communicates through a word of knowledge about emotional issues and specific situations.

If God wanted to give a HEARER a word of knowledge about a stomach or digestive problem, He might say the words “stomach problem” or “ digestive disorder.” If He wanted to give this word to a SEER, He might show the person a diagram of a stomach from a medical book, or He might show an image of a person holding his tummy and look as if he were in pain. But if God wanted to give the same word of knowledge to a SENSEER, most likely He would let them feel briefly the pain in their stomach.

If He wanted to give a senser a word of knowledge about a headache, He would allow that person to feel the headache. If the word of knowledge was about someone’s intense anxiety, a senser may suddenly be overcome with anxiety for a brief period for no apparent reason.

I do no want to develop the concept of a word of knowledge and how to minister through this gift in this chapter. But it is helpful to note that when a senser gets a word of knowledge, it is usually a physical or emotional sensation. If you suddenly experience one of these sensations, and it does not seem to be appropriate to your circumstances, it may be a word of knowledge. God may be showing you someone else’s pain because He wants you to minister to that person in some manner. He may want you to intercede for that person. Perhaps He wants you to pray with the person for a physical healing. If you get a word of knowledge and don’t know whom it is for or what to do with it, ask God.


She describes in more detail then my little Blog can. I have only given you a few examples from one page, she gives more examples and more in-depth. I encourage other Christians who desire to have a more intimate relationship with God to read this book. Good in-site! Why read books? Why isn't the Bible good enough. Well for one thing since the release of the Holy Spirit from Christ's resurection, the Holy Spirit has shown Himself to other people in many different ways that is not described or recorded in the Bible. It is in understanding How He could communicate to us, that we find... "Oh, He has been talking to me that way and I didn't know it." We become more aware and attentive to discern His presence.

I pray that Where ever you go, What ever you do, Whom ever you talk to, listen and be attentive to the Holy Spirit at any given moment. He may be telling you something for the other person or for you. Listen carefully.

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