Monday, July 21, 2008


I Love Movies! I do! There are 2 movies I want to talk about that have parrallels to our Christian walk.
Star Wars - (Yoda & Skywalker in the swamp)
Matrix - (Neo vs Morpheus sparing fight scene)

What relevance do these movies have? A freed Mind will allow the Power of Christ to flow through you easier and quicker. You will walk in Power and Authority. What has MORE power, the Natural or Supernatural? It is past sin that keeps us in bondage. Though we live in the natural we are not governed by the natural, it is the Supernatural that has MORE power. It is the Supernatural that created the natural, so even though we live in the natural, we have the inheriant ability to transcend the natural. Yet we don't, simply because we don't believe. We don't believe because we rely on the physical (see, feel, taste, smell, and hear) all that is around us. We are prisoners of our own surroundings. I am not blaming anyone, and I can say I fall in this area myself. BUT as Jesus & Peter walked on water, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego walked in the Fire, Enoc & Elijah never saw death, Moses and Elisha parted the water. Daniel is not harmed from Lions. It is by FAITH that we can LIVE FREE or live as you are. BUT do NOT doubt and do not fear, for that goes against everything that a Christian stands for. We are heirs to the King. Therefor we have access to all that He has for His glory! Be free in your mind, this is the beginning to the restoration of Eden.

Does it ONLY need to be for the "Glory of God" that we can live in the Supernaatural. Well when we conncet to God's heart on the deepest level, we will reflect His Glory in us. So that is a cheap question. Peter walked on water simply because he wanted to, not to "glorify the kingdom". Jesus turned his mothers water into wine, to please his mother, not to "glorify the kingdom". The works (signs & wonders) followed those who walked in righteousness (or in todays timeline, Christ) because they were smeared with anointing. We can too. It's not History, it's also for the Future, You just need to believe it!

Jesus had one concern that I am aware of, He asked, "When I return, will I find FAITH?" I wonder that myself too sometimes.

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