Sunday, July 13, 2008


Habituation-That's a weird word!
Funny thing is, this is one of the only things I walked away with actually remembering from College Psychology? I don't remember much else from Psychology class. But this word left an impression on me.

When I first told my wife of the word, she was like whhhaaat?? It's not a word commonly used although it is mostly identified with in our daily lives. Do you know what that word means?

In psychology, habituation is an example of non-associative learning in which there is a progressive diminution of behavioral response probability with repetition of a stimulus. Habituation is the point at which responding ceases.

Let me put it to you in a reality way of understanding it. When car alarms first came out, and an alarm went off, it got everyones attention (everyone looked). Now after several years of being exposed to car alarms going off, no one looks any more. That is called habituation. It is a slow decrease in your sesitivity to the point of not responding any more.
So now that we know that word a little better, how can we intergrate that into our daily life? How about our Christian life? There are so many ways that the subtle lies of satin slowly become part of our beliefs and we tend to decrease our sensetivity toward God because of them.

In another view there are issues God wants us to do in our lives, like quit smoking, quit lusting, go on fasts, love our spouse more, and we just don't feel like it. Enough of God asking and enough of your denial puts you into a place of Habituation to His voice. Then one day you realize you are in a place of not hearing God's voice and you start to question why? That is the point we usually have to repent, and be restored. Are you there? Repentance is the BEST way back into Gods arms! I heard a speaker say one time, "Forgiveness restores the Norm." Or in this case your Repentance brings you back to an open Relationship again.

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