Monday, June 9, 2008

The Art of Self Defense-Wrestling!

I appreciate all of you. I value all your friendships. I love to see how everyone grows in the Lord and see the different hearts changing over time. I love your willingness to help others and to be used by God. Now, let me tell you the thing that I hate. When we as Christians get stuck. We are spiritually parolized either by lies of satin or a stunt of personal Spiritual growth. I see it in personal lives as well as couples in Marriages. If you are stuck, I do not point ANY blame on you. I am simply offering my suggestion, another perspective. Please hear my heart. Jesus spoke parables, so I shall do the same now. Maybe something I say can trigger another (a new) way of thinking.

In the evenings my boys have a choice, to read a book with mom, or wrestle with dad. If they had their way, every night they would wrestle with dad. It's actually part wrestle part tickle fest. As most of you know I am into martial arts, so one of the things I do while wrestling with my oldest son is to teach him as we have fun. I teach him when I pin him down, not to concentrate on what is holding him down. If you do, it becomes a wrestle against who has more Power (strength). Instead I teach him to concentrat on what he has free. An arm, a leg, even his head to use against the wrestle match. This could be used for his advantage. See we typically look at the matter at hand, and then struggle on how to get out of it. Our focus is on what is binding us, and NOT on what we have FREE. If we can learn to shift our focus on what we have FREE instead of the bondage, we can find our FREEDOM. It's your focus. If you focus YOUR relationship on Jesus and not look at your spouse, to see how they are doing, you will release a bondage you placed on your spouse, freeing them to grow without your pressure, and freeing yourself to grow as God wants you to.

Another wrestling move I teach him, is Head first. No, not thinking with his head fist, that should be a given. I teach him, were ever your head goes your body follows. It's a simple understanding of any self defense move. When your opponent attacks, if your grab his head, and move it around in any direction, the body follows. This can be given in the understanding of who OUR HEAD is. Is it Jesus Christ, or that fight you just had with your spouse? Is it the sweet gentle whisper of the Holy Spirt or OUR flesh deciding what we should do? Months ago I talked about Focus. Here's another look at it. If we are lead by the flesh, we will give birth to sin, but if we live by the spirit, we give birth to life. That sounds like church talk, but it is true! Let me suggest something to you that has helped me as I continue to walk in it.

FASTING (let the Holy Spirit tell you how long- Fasting reduces US and builds CHRIST in us. We are usually dominated by our 5 senses, we should be led by the Spirit)

SPEAKING IN TONGUES (do it all day long-This is your spiritual conversation to God. It also mystically helps prevent sinful thoughts)

RENEWING YOUR MIND (This process goes on through out the day. Filter out the crap. Stop listening to garbage TV, radio, News, Gossip & Magazines etc. Instead of taking in the this crap; intake blessings, intake scripture, intake sermons, intake praise and worship)

DAILY QUALITY TIME with God (Make it mostly about Praise and not so much about what you want, God already knows that)

EXERCISING YOUR AUTHORITY (You have a lot more Authority than you think. Start commanding, stop complaining.)

This weekend I was thinking of the marriages in our class. My heart was trying to connect with and understanding of why many struggle and the issues of life we wrestle against. It boils down to OUR willingness to put Christ First followed by renewing OUR minds daily; for our minds is the place the enemy places a foot hold. Know your place as a Christian, you are an heir of Christ and YOU have Authority to change circumstances that bind you. We don't have to change our marriage, just focus on Our relationship with Jesus and when that focus is right, the rest will follow.

If I know what I know and do not share it, it does no good but only to me. I'd rather look like a fool for Christ while touching some lives, then go to heaven and not have tried at all. I don't have all the answers, I am not perfect, but what has Freed me, I want to make it know to you so that you may know the freedom I know. In Christ, Dare to Change! Be Bold! Be different, it's OK! Focus on your relationship with God, and your marriage relationship will follow. BE FREE!

All i am for all I AM! In Everything Praise God!

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