Monday, June 9, 2008

TIPS- How To Heal The Sick

As the Bible (Word of God) Being the basis for Healing the Sick specifically NEW Testament. I will discuss some ares I have found in research that may help when addressing your walk in this journey.

There are 5 ways (I know of) of getting healed
1. FAITH of the receiver of the Healing.
2. FAITH of the person administering Healing to the receiver.
3. Prayer & Fasting.
4. Holy Spirit
5. Righteous Living
6. 1 Corinthians 11:30 (Eating & Drinking Judgment on Yourself)

#4. The Holy Spirit Works in a variety of ways:
Holy Spirit Wisdom - A word of knowledge is given and someone (pastor) and the person is healed when he comes up.
Holy Spirit Knock Out - (Slain in the Spirit) The Power of the Spirit knocks someone out-
(No need to touch or even pray over the other person-this is All the Spirit)

In all accounts, the one needing healing needs to take some type of action to receive it. (unless their dead)

Now I know this may get a little confusing to comprehend, try to follow me. It is the Holy Spirit's Power that heals every time, but in 1. 2. and 3. they are FAITH driven. #4 is All the Holy Spirit. What I mean is 1. 2. and 3 is you by FAITH activating the Spirit's Power within you, #4 is the activation of the Holy Spirit on His own outpouring. That one is pretty much a Guarantee! He is moving to you, not you moving to obtain Him.

#4 This is the only time (I think) where someone can be healed and not believe as I've hear stories before! On the other hand you CAN totally miss it; by not actively going after it. What I mean is... In one Healing service my father and mother went to get my dad's back healed. His back would go out about 2 or more times a year, pretty much crippling him to the point he had to painfully crawl around the house for weeks until the pain left. My dad went to see Charles & Francien Hunter, Healing revivalists. At the beginning of the service Charles had a word from God and gave an alter call for someone in the audience with a bad back. No one went up. My dad knew it was for him. At the end of his service my parents went up and told Charles that it was him. He still prayed for him, but I believe that the Holy Spirit pulled back his annointing because of my dad's doubt. Jesus had trouble in his home town because of unbeliefe. How much greater is man the Jesus. That's why Jesus warned us about unbeliefe and doubt.

Now the second Healing service my dad went to, he was slain and healed by the Holy Spirit NOT once, not twice, but THREE times. My dad actually blanked out (slain). No one else in the service got slain, my dad, up until then never gotten slain nor knew anything about it. Even my mother who was our Christian household leader didn't think about being slain in the Spirit as she grew up thinking it was just a trick. A pastor told her when she was young that it was an electrical device in the pocket of the evangelist that shocked those people.

I hope some of these TIPS may help you to figure out what you may (not) be doing that maybe you didn't think about, and as a result you are seeing no result. These are things I have found that may be a good idea to think about. LEARNING IS A PROCESS THROUGH ACTION. YOU MUST PRACTICE! Faith is built. You must exercise your faith!

It is important to point out that this is ALL Holy Spirit Power. (God gets ALL the glory) and during your prayer, BE ATTENTIVE TO THE HOLY SPIRITS GUIDANCE. Keep your attention turned on to the Holy Spirit's voice. Listen to what He may be saying.

1. Have FAITH! Do Not DOUBT! (Jesus' will is to Heal ALL, Every time) He did it when He was here, he told us to do it to.

2. Be BOLD, take Authority! (We must step out, take action, and USE our Authority)

3. Do NOT give up!! (It is a fight to gain the healing, not a fight to obtain it) What I mean is we are battling against satin,
and our battle is not a battle to gain healing since it is within us we are just releasing it.

4. If you don't see results, try something else. (Prayer and Fasting)

5. It's NEVER God's will NOT to Heal you! KNOW IT! BELIEVE IT! LIVE IT!

6. BIND & LOSSEN. There may be possible demonic hinderances. (Take Authority) Speak to everything by name!

7. Ask for Wisdom, Insight, Words of wisdom, Words of knowledge, Discernment etc.

8. Is it a spirit of oppression or possibly a curse. Jesus boar our curses. It's in the atonement!


10. Do you need a MIRACLE or a HEALING? There is a difference! Miracle is manifesting something that isn't there, like a
person with no eyes, or no kidney that the Holy Spirit grows a new one. Healing is for a wound or disease.

11. Close YOUR eyes, see it on the inside first! A Healing Evangelist who was well know for specializing in healing eyes, came to a church. The Pastors wife needed the healing. The Evangelist prayed over her, and then asked her "What do you see?" as she started to open her eyes, he exclaimed "Shut your eyes!" then ask a 2nd time "What do you see?" as she started to open her eyes, he exclaimed "Shut your eyes!" then he asked her a 3rd time "What do you see?" as she started to open her eyes, he exclaimed "Shut your eyes!" Then he said, see it on the inside. She then understood, looked on the inside, said she could see herself seeing clearly, then he said... "Open you eyes" and she was healed.

12. Is there possible SIN you need to REPENT of? Jesus said stop sinning lest a worse thing happen to you. SIN could be your problem! REPENT means to turn from (stop) your sin.

13. COMMAND IT BY NAME! Try to figure out what it is exactly and speak to it by name. This may sound strange, but it's true, speak to the problem. You should speak to your Mountain, not speak to God about your Mountain. OK say someone has a back problem is that the cause? Not always, they could have one leg longer then the other that is the cause. Fix the correct problem, COMMAND the correct problem. Understand what you are dealing with.

14. SPIRIT<- SOUL<- BODY- We are trinity, but often we are lead by the BODY and Not the SPIRIT (BODY<- SOUL<- SPIRIT) This could be possibly hindering us from receiving our healing or delivering it. Control your body. Physical obedience brings spiritual release.

15. Are you praying with someone? "If two or more are gathered in my name, what ever you ask it shall be given you."

16. EXPECT! I got a word of knowledge. God told me to Expect Healing. That concept is foreign to me. Expect something I can not see. (Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being SURE of what we Hope for and CERTAIN of what we do not see.)

17. Live a RIGHTEOUS life. There is something to righteousness that God connects to. What I understand it is a connection with him with not interuptions. This should not be confused with (There is non righteous no not one, OR God is no respector of persons) God will always work with you, on where you are at. BUT, we were called to be righteous.

18. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing John 15:5. We can see here where the Power to Heal comes from. We can also identify here the symbiotic relationship between the two. For WITHOUT ME YE CAN DO NOTHING. Are you Abiding in Him?

19. God ALWAYS gets the Glory for the Healing! It is not done by you, but rather through you. John 14:12-14

After you pray (Command with Authority) for someone, as I understand it, have them do something they couldn't do before. If it were a hurt leg, ask them to walk. If it was a blind eye, ask them to see. If they are still having problems try again. If nothing manifests itself, look at the list to see if there is something that could be a potential problem. Then hit them again with more persistence.

There is an Old Testament mind set that needs to be broken, actually quite several, one of which is

It's now June and I just listened to Todd Bently's 30 Reasons Why God does and does not Heal. OK, he's got all my reasons I found and a lot more. LOL! It's funny to see how God shows me stuff, but later confirms it with other teachers. YEAHY GOD!

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