Monday, June 9, 2008

Peter's Denial

Peter's Denial-

Ever wonder why Peter Denied knowing Jesus AFTER 3 years of walking with Him and doing Miracles with Him? He denied knowing Jesus 3 times. Your first thoughts might be like mine and say he just didn't want to get caught. I do not believe that is the case anymore. Put yourself in his shoes as I describe this to you in my new understanding.

As Jesus was telling them that they were going to come for Him and take Him away. Peter said Never I shall die for you if I need to. Jesus said would you really Peter? Satin asked me to sift you like weat. Ouch!That's makes Peter more Bold inside. Telling himself I will defend Jesus at all costs. (This wasn't Jesus' plan-but Peter didn't know that) When the guards came to arrest Jesus, Peter instintively drew his sword and cut off the ear of a high priest because he determined in his heart to defend Jesus to the death. Now Jesus seeing this basically yelled at Peter saying what am I leading a rebellion that you draw your swords... Jesus heals the mans ear, Peter is dismayed and does not know what to do. He had it so drilled into his mind to defend Jesus, but Jesus tells him not to. Peter is a little confused, not sure what to do, defending and fighting are out of the question. How was he supposed to defend Jesus? He's confused, so he kind of retreats, not just physically but passionately (emotionally) too. So when confronted by people those three times Peter can now only come to one conclusion, don't fight, run from any fighting, Because Jesus was against it. Now this wasn't his idea of how things would turn out at all. He wanted to defend Jesus and there he was being beaten and crusified right infront of him and he could do nothing because Jesus wanted him not to fight. He's confused!

Ever been there before, when things happened in certain way and it wasn't quite how you thought it should have turned out, but you can see it was God's plan. In the beginning it seems like your expectations get crushed, then you finally see the work of God involved. Look for the reasons things happen and not their circumstances! What I mean is don't focus on the problem, look at the long term goal/reason it may have happened. It's hard I know! I've heard a lot of people who had car problems, kid problems, etc that delayed them from work on 911. Balem and his donkey is a good example too. Be receptive to issues that happen.

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