Monday, June 9, 2008

HE is within YOU


HE is within YOU!

Let's start by saying, Our Life and God in us is a symbiotic relationship. We live for one another. God made us for relationship with Him. We can not do the works Jesus did unless He is within us. As Christians, we have been given that through our inheritance in Him. In the Old Testiment we had to do something to move God to do something. In the New Testiment Christ moved for us so we do not need to make God move anymore. We have direct access to Heaven. What we need to do is learn "How to Harness" the Power we were given. It is through this symbiotic relationship that we can work in Power. Now we MUST ALWAYS give God the glory. For it is the Potter who is great then the clay, but because of the clay the potters work gets done. A good example of this is when Jesus Feeds the 5,000. Jesus blessed the food, but it was actually multiplied by the hands of the disciples; they are the ones who handed out the food. And why was Jesus upset when the disciples woke him in the boat in the middle of the storm? Jesus' reply tells the answer... "You of little faith." It wasn't Jesus' faith, it was the disciples faith. Is seeing believing, what is reality? Or is seeing obscuring what reality could be?

You must understand that Jesus is within you with greater Power then He had when He was here. Let me show you by verses found in the bible. Once you realize this, you will be empowered to do the works Christ did. You can walk with Authority instead of walking in "doubt". What I mean is when you lay hands on someone for them to be healed physically or mentally, do you "wonder if it is the will of God" or do you walk like He is within you and Know in confidence, and BELIEVE it will be done? When you were born again, you were given a NEW Spirit, your body and soul did not change. That new Spirit is sealed, never to be tainted. (unless the unpardonable sin) This Spirit within you is wall to wall Holy Ghost. The problem is we live in a natural realm and believe more of what we see, feel, smell, taste and hear then what we can not (supernatural realm). 5 sense against 1 This is part of what Paul said, "we had to renew your mind daily". Why do I say that, go back to Genesis 2:17 "for if you eat of the tree of knowledge, you will surely die." That was the death of Spiritual relationship, (sin) acted as a road block. Now we know God still talked to man after that, even with sin in their lives. But God could not walk in their presense any more because of sin. I keep on saying this, but we need to take the LIMITS OFF of GOD! And RENEW our minds to His Fullness!

If we can learn to live in the supernatural more and look past the natural one we live in, we could accomplish this with more Power. How can I do that? Good question. Let me start off by saying this may be more difficult for you then for your kids. Why? You can teach them at an early age to to think differently. We will always be battling our old mind sets, but if we can teach our kids to view life differently, they will have an empowerment we could not fully grasp. In this inhertiance to our children, we must teach them to do the same and pass it on, each generation will be stronger then the next. I honestly do not know why we are not FULL Warriors now? Why in 2,000 years we had some type of an inhertance loss is beyond me. I believe it has a lot to do with satin's mind tricks. Everything begins in our THOUGHTS and out of those thoughts, we breed good or evil. That's the battle we need to beet daily.

HE is within YOU!

John 14:12
I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing.

1 John 4:17
As HE is so are we in this world.
(As Christ is NOW in heaven, SO ARE WE currently in this world.)

1 John 4:4
Greater is HE that is WITHIN ME, then he that is in the world.
(We live in a world that satin currently rules due to Adam & Eve. Jesus died and by so doing gave us the Holy Spirit (comforter) to be in us.)

Ephesians 3:20
Now unto HIM who is able to do exceeding, abundantly, above all that we ask or think, according to the Power that WORKS IN US. (That means WHATEVER you can image it will be more then that. HOW? Through YOU!

Acts 10:38
how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing ALL who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.

John 8:27-29 (walking will of God)
They did not understand that he was telling them about his Father. 28So Jesus said, "When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am the one I claim to be and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me. 29The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him."

What Authority do we have? In the Old & New testament we can see the works of God.
Jesus had authority over nature (wind and the waves) over water (He walked on water) over gravity (He asend) demons (He drove out demons) Fire (Shadrak, MeShak & Abendigo survived in the fire) Over animals (Daniel in the lions den) Authority over Physical realm (Jesus healed EVERYONE who came to him)

I'm thinking SciFi now... I feel like the supernatureal realm is like a mirror to this world. It seems everything is opposite. Things that do not make sense here, work there. This in part (or in whole) is what keeps us in need of our relationship with Him. We can't figure it out, and we won't. In our selves we are dead, but in Him we are alive.

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