Monday, June 9, 2008

Healing Power in the Atonement


"How God fascinates me with His Word. I read and reread and reread, and there is always something new. As I get deeper into the knowledge of the Bridegroom, I hear His voice saying "The Bride rejoices to hear the Bridegrooms voice." The Word is His voice, and the nearer we are to Jesus, the more we understand the principles of His mission. He came to take for Himself a people for His Bride; He came to find those who would become the "body of Christ". God's message to us is that Jesus is going to take unto Himself a bride.

So, while we are here to talk about salvation, there are deeper truths God wants to show us. Not only is there salvation, but there is an eternal destiny awaiting us that is FULL of ALL the wonders God has in glory.

This POWER of the new creation, this birth unto righteousness by faith in the Atonement, can transform and change you until you are CONTROLLED, DOMINATED, AND FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT OF JESUS. 1 Corinthians 4:20. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.

If you want to heal others by the power of God, it means your lives have to be filled with God. Will it last? Get Jesus on board, and it will last forever. You cannot keep yourself. No man is capable of standing against the schemes of the devil by himself. But when you get Jesus in you, the power within you will be stronger then a million devils.

These are the words of Smith Wigglesworth, he's was a man sold out to Christ in the late 18th, early 19th century."Healing" by Smith Wigglesworth. (I feel I may be safer by quoting others, then saying the thoughts on my mind.) This is a man who told folks not to sit in trees as he spoke, cause as the Spirit fell upon everyone in the crowds, people would fall all over. He had no double standards, he thought one way. Jesus WILL heal you! And he gave all the glory to God through the power in the name of Jesus that works through all of us, if we are wiling to walk in it. He traveled the world and healed many in the name of Jesus, and raised a few from the dead.

What I understand so far... (I dare not number these)
Old Covenant (Sin-we are full of it) & New Covenant (Atonement-Freedom)
PRAISE GOD, PRAISE GOD, PRAISE GOD!!!- In all things! NO Matter what!
Be Bold in Jesus's name! NO QUESTION! This is the faith we should have.
Pray with Authority, as it has been given to you. (on Earth as it is in Heaven)
If you don't see immediate manifestation, don't stop, press on! It usually takes time.
Be transformed with this new revelation-Be refined, become Holy.
Understand the spiritual (Supernatural) realm- Use your gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Hate evil, please God- turn from anything unwholesome. (Stop it FAST when it first enters your mind/thoughts.)
Give God ALL the Glory.

Ask everyone who you pray with if they are saved OR if they would like to be saved.

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