Monday, June 9, 2008


About 2 months ago I stopped posting these Revelation Knowledges God has put on my heart for me and the church to know. The last Word I got was about EXPECTATION. As I wrote it I questioned if the class would be able to digest those words. Upon finishing it, I reread it, coming to the conclusion that the majority of the church was not ready to take this in. I wrestled with God for a few days on it before He said OK, don't send it, but stop postings all together. So I did. I continued writing as the knowledge came to me and kept all my files. (don't get offended about my questioning it, there are levels of faith I have not seen anyone in a lot of churches have, including me)

(Those of you that know me, know that I speak FRANK-ly and lack a bit of tact sometimes. I've been trying to get better with that. So if you are new reading these and my words strike you the wrong way, know that my heart is true and caring. Hey if your an old friend and my words strike you in a wrong way, Praise God! I hit a nerve! Find out why? Go Deeper! ) Everyone needs a little Iron in their diet... As Iron sharpens Iron...

I want to first of all say my knowledge on these subjects are not from any preacher. These Revelation Knowledge is from God. There are many things here that at times go against the natural teaching I grew up with and you may be used to. I did not make this up, God put these issues on my heart as I wrote them. These are not theology lessons, these are God given inspirations. The best thing I can recommend for you to do is reread and study the Bible so you know yourself, and not what someone preaches to you. I may have incorporated some of their words into mine so you can see the resemblance.

As I continued to buy sermons from various preachers, I recently came upon several preachers who spoke on exactly that what God has given to me, even more confirming and making me more Excited! My mother took a bunch of my files (writings) over to a Prophet she goes to see a few times a month, who has been training her and several other people. He said the writings have been right on with what has been going on around the world. Which made my faith spike even more!

Some of these topics are crude and not finished, I appologise for that. When I get more time I can elaberate better on them.

This past week God told me NOW! I knew what He meant. OK Lord. So here it is. Some of these are Old Postings as I kept them to keep everything together, but Mostly New. I pray you All read carefully and allow God to bring His Peace to you about these topics. I do not write in these in a way to bring contempt, I do not write these to bring condemnation, these were given to me, for me to share. If you disagree I understand. Seek God on that! For most Christians today live in a comfortable world, God is waking people all over the world, I am just glad He is using me to be a part of it. It all starts with wanting MORE! See Christian's have become OK to live with what they got. Not knowing it, they've bought into the devils lies. There is a freedom when you understand who you are and what you are capable of. Christ is in you ( is imprisoned ) and we need to free Him. But to gain everything you need to give everything. Remember... ALL i am for ALL I AM! I'm not there yet but I do need to share with you all the words I have been given so that hearing you may be free too.

In Everything Praise God!
Renew Your Minds Daily!

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