Monday, June 9, 2008

I Don't Feel Like It

I just got a revelation I want to share with yall,
As many of you know we've been having some problems with Noah in school, Not doing his work. When I ask him why don't you do it he says "It's boaring, I don't feel like it" He does that with many other things too, like taking a photo, or something we ask him to do. His response I don't feel like it. How many of us as Christians Don't Feel Like doing something? Well we've been comissioned to do a lot of things, and we don't have to be perfect before we begin our journey with God. God just wants us obedient. Just to listen to Him. Search for Him with EVERYTHING you got. How much time you spending in the word? How much time you taking to pray? How much time are you taking to wait upon the Lord? That's a funny word, "wait" isn't it? We are used to thinking of that as standing still, or a waiting room right? Wrong! To Wait means to constantly be active, serving. Kind a like when you go to a resturant, you would like a good waiter. He is constantly looking to see if he can get you anything, fill your glass, get you a napkin. It's a non ending service. BUT we sometimes get into a place of " I DON'T FEEL LIKE IT. I'm comfortable, just were I am.

I want to see revival start at First Assembly, BUT revival doesn't start with God moving, it starts with US moving. We need to seek Him with ALL our hearts. Turn off that TV and Wait on Him, Pray, Fast, Seek Him and you will find Him. ALL of ME for ALL of YOU. See it comes from us first. We don't move God, we go to God. Then the Holy Spirit Flows through us, Fills us, Renews us, Strengthens us. Man are you getting this, this is Powerful. I challenge all of you to go deeper this week, more fervently, with a deeper passion.

Agree with me in prayer.
Father you are Awesome, you are wonderful. You created everything, you know all things. I pray right now that a PASSION rises up with in me and I start to get a renewing within me. Fill me with the endless Love, fill me with with more of you father. I commit myself this week, this month, this coming year to burn with passion, to find you, to seek you, and I give total control over my life over to you. I praise you holy name father. Thank you Jesus for your Love for me. Thank you God for giving us Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit for flowing in me. We praise your name oh Lord. In the Powerful name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, A-men!

Your Passionate Lover of Jesus!

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