Monday, June 9, 2008

Beginning a NEW

The beginning of change begins with God revealing YOUR Heart to YOU. This is best achived through YOU seeking God to be changed. You heard that right. God does not change, and He is no respector of persons. So when YOUR heart changes, THEN you will find Him to the deepest degree you desire to seek Him at.

The WILL of God does NOT always Happen as He wills it. I know this is going to rub some folks the wrong way, I'll use that as attention grabber. God must work through us. We are the catalist He works through. God created us for relationship with Him, and He gave US free will. WE have the option to do His WILL or do OURS. Now that I said that, let me explain my statement. "Gods will is that none should perish but have everlasting life." Does everyone go to Heaven? NO! Well we need to understand WE are the ones who MAKE the DIFFERENCE! It is OUR choice to grow Nearer to Him, stay where we are, or reject Him. God moved 2000 years ago for us. In doing so He sent Jesus to atone for Our sins, and then Jesus allowed the Holy Spirit to dwell with us that we may walk in His Power. If we just sit there, we waist that what Jesus did for us. We need to take action, utilizing His "gifts" given to us, to use, by MOVING, Deeper than you are NOW. FILL yourself DAILY with the word of God, MORE then the crap being put in daily. Remember a few years back at Promise Keepers, the glass of water being filled with crap. The only way to make it clean again is to pore into it MORE clean water. If we stay where we are, it doesn't get any cleaner and we tend not understand why? We need to cut out the crap intake, and be filled with more of the Scriptures, Sermons, being filled with positive and reject the negative. "EVERY GOOD and PERFECT gift is from God" James 1:17

"When you seek me, you will find me, WHEN you search for me with ALL your Heart."

God Desires Obedience, more then Repentance!

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