Monday, June 9, 2008

Sovereignty of the Holy Spirit

The sovereignty of the God should not be confused with the sovereignty of the Holy Spirit. I will talk more later about the differences between the three. And yes all 3 work and agree as one. For the moment lets just think on the Holy Spirit.

Fist let's discuss the word sovereignty means:
n. pl. sov·er·eign·ties

1. Supremacy of authority or rule as exercised by a sovereign or sovereign state.
2. Royal rank, authority, or power.
3. Complete independence and self-government.
4. A territory existing as an independent state.

Sovereignty is the exclusive right to have control over an area of governance, people, or oneself. A sovereign is the supreme lawmaking authority.

Now that we have a general idea of sovereignty we can discuss it with deeper meaning. One may believe if God is sovereign then He can do ANYTHING He wants ANYTIME He wants to. But with God that is not entirely correct. First God mad rules that he won't break. "Free Will" for instance. Second many others have been known to influence His will/desire.(Moses standing in-between the living and the dead) God does not lie, He said "My law and my word shall I not alter." He set up laws that He will not break.

It is important to keep in mind the "J" factor here. Jesus came to free us from sin. What is sin, physical & spiritual death. The physical body will eventually wear down and die because of man's fall from the garden. Physical part being sickness and disease. Jesus came to free us of that. He showed us that and He gave us that Power and Authority over it. The spiritual death has been something we have emphasised over 2,000 years. Jesus died for our sins. We now have spiritual life. That we all get. We seem to forget and struggle with the physical part because it is something we see "physically" unlike sin. How do I know that God, Holy Spirit, Jesus wants me well, Not sick?? We can see it in this. Jesus could not do anything unless He saw the father do it. So we know they ALL agree together with each other. Second when Jesus was here, He healed ALL! It says that in several different cases. It did not say Jesus healed some, it did not say, Jesus said you have this sickness to make you stronger as some look back at Job. Job never had what we have now. Jesus and the Holy Spirit! If you also remember back at Jobs life we can see satin had to ask God for Authority to do harm to him because he was a righteous man. Because Jesus died for us, that would be a total front on Him if God decided to allow satin rule over them like in Jobs case. So yes, I am saying if you currently live a righteous life you will live a healthy life. How many of us are truely righteous? Just setting the stage here about laws God placed that He won't break.

He also said unless I go away the comforter will not come to you. The comforter meaning the Holy Spirit. Jesus did no miracles until He was baptised. At which point He received the Holy Anointing. Jesus said and great works will you do (because of the Holy Spirit) So now we see and understand that the Power & Authority came through the means of the Holy Spirit.

If God is as sovereign as people think of Him to be, He didn't have to send His son to die for us, He could have just let us all up to Heaven. But because of His Laws biblical or Heavenly, there are a certain amount of guidelines to follow. Most all cases biblically, His will is completed by a willing human. Man's free will to serve.
Now that we have an understanding on the limitations of sovereignty we can look at God's sovereignty with another perspective, NOT with the view He can do ANYTHING, ANYTIME He wants to.

Now, the Holy Spirit's Power can occur any way He chooses. His Power can be different than any way we've been taught or read about in the bible.This is SOVEREIGNTY. The Awesome Display of His Power Anyway He chooses to release it. Example: When praying for someone to be healed, keep your eyes open so you can see what happens! The Holy Spirit's healing is usually proceeded by a word on knowledge. The Holy Spirit telling someone of someone specific that needs to be healed and maybe in a certain way (Like spitting on some mud). OR in the case of Smith Wigglesworth, punching someone in the stomach. Healing ANYWAY He wants to.

BE SENSCEATIVE to the HOLY SPIRIT Everywhere you go! Listen carefully for direction.

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