Monday, June 9, 2008


You've heard that mentioned before "RENEWING YOUR MIND", do you really understand what that means?
"Renew Your Mind" is thinking Supernaturally. It means to put on a mind of Christ. Nothing is Impossible! Renewing you mind usually goes hand in hand with "Dieing to Yourself." That seems like strange terminology, but in fact we are physical beings living in a physical world, we typically live a life thinking in the physical (carnal) using our 5 senses (see, feel, hear, taste and smell) From youth we grow up learning to react to our senses. It is natural to us, hence the phrase "living in the natural". We find it difficult to wrap our minds around things that go against our senses because we live so deeply in them. It takes effort to renew your mind. If that was not enough we have to deal with satins whispers "How it won't work!" "What are you thinking?" "That can't be right, it doesn't make sense!" What an uphill battle to fight for something we can't sense. It takes some effort that is for sure, but the rewards are amazing.

WHY renew my mind?
Jesus could do NO mighty works in His home town because of their lack of Faith. Faith works with your renewed mind to a degree that unleashes the Power that is at work inside you. You think you have faith, but most likely you just have a desire and hope. Faith is something beyond that. It becomes part of you. Peter in the bible, the ONLY one of 12 disciples who got out of the boat to walk on water. Their minds were renewed daily because they walked and were feed by Jesus thoughts. How funny though Peter was the ONLY one who walked on water because he believed, and later he became the Apostle with the most evidence of the Annointed Power of the Holy Spirit. How many times did Jesus say DO NOT DOUBT just BELIEVE. Doubt counter balances our Faith. Doubt thrives in the natural realm. Can you walk on water? Why? Gravity becomes part of how we live, right. Yet Peter walked on water with Jesus because he did not doubt. Well at first, until his natural eyes overpowered his supernatural ones. He started to sink when he let doubt and fear in. It takes a lot of effort to deny what we see in front of us with our own eyes, and think supernaturally. Good news though; It can be done!

HOW do I renew my mind?
There are a few things you can do to help strengthen your supernatural muscles! You may and most likely will not like them. Biblically based, here are a few that you can think about:

FASTING- (food) this is not a X-box kind of a fast. To deny yourself of food, you deny your body of a desire that it actually needs. Biblically speaking, there was only one kind of fast, that was food. What happens in this sense is that your Body becomes submissive to your Spirit. We usually live day by day through a body that runs (dictates) everything. When in fact it should be our Spirit that runs us. We are made of Spirit, Soul, and Body. We live in the natural realm, run by those 5 senses, so we tend to gravitate toward that area. We typically are Run by (Body, Soul, Spirit) Fasting helps reconstruct the ENGINE or driving force of our trinity.

YOUR THOUGHTS- It is very important what we Guard our minds, because even a seed of doubt or a lie from satin can disrupt the flow of the Holy Spirit. Everything that exits the body (an action) first is produced by a thought. If you learn to gain control of your thoughts, you can control the outcome of your actions.

PRAY- Pray throughout the day in tounges. There is Power in this kind of prayer. There is also unseen Power in this kind of prayer that helps keep one from bad desires through thoughts.

FEED YOUR SOUL- Be in the word constantly. Fill up your mind of things that are good. (whatever things are good, noble.... of good report, dwel on these things) Listen to teaching from Pastors who defy the natural laws and whos hands are used by the Holy Spirit. To hear testamonies of others who live in the supernatural and hear about the supernatural fruits of their walk inspire and build you up more. Don't take in things that go against/hinder/tear down that what you are trying to build.

INTAKE MORE HOLINESS then EARTHLINESS- Everyone is like a glass of water that has had so much garbage put into it. It is impossible to try to filter the water. The only way to get all the garbage out is to fill the cup with a constant stream of fresh water. Keep on pouring into the glass and don't stop pouring with fresh water. Soon the fresh water will replace all the garbage. The answer is to read and listen to Godly inspiring books and sermons.

FOCUS- When something goes wrong, what do you focus on? The Good or the Bad? It sounds strange, but maybe there is something that:
A. You did not hear God say,
B. You are running away from God,
C. Are you going through a trail?
What you focus on is the problem. But the solution is found not by focusing on the problem, but using the problem as a guide to look back to see the origion of the problem to fix it or to learn from it. I used a wrestling example with my son who I was teaching to not focus on the problem but to find a solution. We wrestle and I pin him down and he always tries to be stronger and fight his way out with no avail. I teach him to not focus on his being pinned down, but to focus on what he has FREE like an arm or leg or head and use that to his advantage. Because focusing on a bad situation can bring you down, but finding a solution and using it to turn around your situation is Freedom! There is ALWAYS a way out. It may not feel that way, and it may be a hard climb out, but there is ALWAYS a way out of a bad situation.

EXPECT- Expect good things from God the father. He will give to those who ask. A day with out a Miracle is just another boring day. Look for Miracles to happen in your day to day activities.

KNOW-Know who you are, what you are. You are royalty! Jesus paid the price for you! Not only are you free, but you are also an heir to all his Power and Authority. With this understanding you should feel empowered to conqure all circumstances!

PRAISE- Praise God in all things. This is closely linked to Focus, as it is a vital part of how we view things. No matter what the circumstances are, Praise God. "Well I was just thrown in prison for something I didn't do!" Praise God! I am not saying he wants you there, but I am sure you can be used there for His glory. Several apostles in the bible were put in prison and praised God, during their praise to him, there was an earthquake and the prison doors opened and their shackles were released. Did they do that to get God to do that. No. But they sang praised regardless the circumstances and God blessed them for it.

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