Monday, June 9, 2008

Healing Authority-Changing views

Changing Some Views
My Precious Royal Family, I pray my words reach your heart before your head in everything I ever write. I pray you don't have any residual thoughts of me being a "smack talker" in your heads. I'm a "TRUTH" talker now. I pray you hear me as being bold and not arrogant. I pray my words are of encouragement and not discouragement (as harsh as some might be). I pray that my words in all I write move you to search for answers for yourself and dig deeper for the "truth" you all so boldly hold on to. Do you know "WHY" you believe what you believe? Or is it just because, that's what you've been brought up to believe in church all these years? Are you simply repeating something you heard? Or do you KNOW the truth by the words of God (Bible). Have you researched what you believe or do you follow ideas fed to you by others? Please, please understand I do not condemn anyone!! I wish we all can grasp a closer relationship with God that will give us the strength to Step Out, Fear Nothing, Be Bold for EVERYTHING in Christ. (Father, I ask you to stir hearts and bring a BOLDNESS to the receiver of these words. Take us out of complacincy in our Christian lives and USE us as ministers of Your Word. I pray that others will receive this contagious Fire you placed in my soul and that the Fire spreads among our community. I Thank you father! In Jesus name. A-men)

My revelation has been on... Healing and the Power of God. Something that has been "lost in the church" all these centuries. Through my journey, I have researched so far, Andrew Wommack (still alive), Bill Johnson (still alive), Smith Wigglesworth (dead), and John G Lakes (dead) -but his ministry still continues. There are others I will continue to pursue, as I continue my journey as I feel it nesesary to share my walk with you. The deeper I go, the more I find out how little I know. There is NO 1,2,3 or A,B,C answer to healing. BUT there is one belief that has kept these magnificent men of God apart from the "common Christian's theology" and that was their belief of knowing that ANYONE through their BOLDNESS can be used (by Holy Spirit) to Heal another 100% of the time. There where NO exceptions. These guys are UNDENIABLY IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE on the Power & Authority of Jesus. Could they if it were not "God's Will"?? We just need to step out, believing for 100% manifestation. (again, I say do not be swayed when you don't see 100% manifestation) (Ask God what am I doing wrong, He will tell you) We often use that phrase (How's that worken for ya?) These guys, as far as I know, are all Assembly of God followers. As I also researched our doctrine, I found that healing is part of our doctrine. Here's where I am going to loose a lot of you. I never witnessed myself a full manifestation (someone being healed right before my eyes). I did recently witness a partial healing with my son, probably cause I stopped to soon. At least I know I was the catalist. My father was healed. 3 times in a row my father got hit by the Holy Spirit. After each one the man called him back as my dad thought that was it. 3 times. We often stop after one time like I did with my son. I should have continued. So why in the world am I so gun-ho about something I haven't seen. I do not need my human eyes to witness a truth that I read about in the life of Jesus. Why would Jesus say "And greater things than these YOU will do?" and "go out and heal the sick" Have we done greater things than these? I haven't seen any in our church. I see some miricles and some healings, but GREATER ? No. Friends, this ought not be so. I used to live this lie. I know. I am not perfect myself. But what I see are Christians sitting in the comfort of home saying "Yeah, I'll pray for you" to a friend, than at home, at night, half asleep, inches from the pillow we ask Lord, please heal my friend. How much effort was put into it? With How much Authority? And the devils are getting away with it all. Doesn't that get someone upset? Doesn't that just piss you off? I want to drop kick the demonic forces heads right off!!! YEAH, demonic forces are continually at work, I think they are smarter now then when Jesus was around. Back then they could be honest who they were, now a days they don't even talk to ya. But then again how many of us try? How many of us identify a devil and call them on it as cancer, or madman, or depression? NO, we don't want to offend anyone, that's not possible they have a devil in them. Peter did, and he walked with Jesus. Are you more then he? I wish I were half of what he was. Ya know in 2,000 years the demons/devils are sure to learn something. I think they learned to be more sneaky, more subtle working their ways into lives who will let them and feed them, who will slowly, slowly dig in a squat into your thoughts as you thought grows, you open up more room for more demons. Some of you may not believe in demons/devils. I'm sorry to hear that, Jesus did. And they are smarter now, and through media (TV, magazines, newspapers, internet) we let them in. It only starts with a thought, and that seed grows. Smith Wigglesworth one time had a friend come over to his house, before entering, Smith said "You can come in, but that paper has to stay out side." Some of you may say that's a little dramatic, but then again it's not you who are healing thousands around the world, it was Smith. Smith said Boldly "If the Spirit isn't moving, I'll make Him." And yet thousands were healed. Arrogance is for the person who sits back and criticize everyone else.

Can God heal everyone in one big wave of his hand? Sure! Will he? NO. Why not? Cause he wants us to be come to Him/connect with Him. It all goes back to Genisis. God made man in His image. Did he make them sick? NO. So why do you think sickness is of God? Oh, because of Job. Yeah, That is a good lesson, and satin is still using that one for his benefit today. Even then it was NOT of God, but of satin. Satin had to ask God for permission to do Job harm. Now, our sickness and disease where part of the attonement. "By His stripes we were healed" You believe our sins where part of the atonement, Right? So if Jesus related SIN with SICKNESS in some of His healings, why don't you believe it is covered? Maybe you have a different attonment package deal then me? My Jesus HEALED EVERYONE. Yes, there where some who didn't get healed, BUT that was because they STAYED home and did NOT want to see Jesus. Even those who could not come, when someone went in their name, they where healed, because they made a connection. Jesus is the same Today, Yesterday, and Tomorrow, right? So if He healed anyone who came to Him then, Why not now? Oh, because of Job again. Well we are New Covenant Christian! The key word there is NEW COVENANT (A New Contract) (A New Arrangement) We are No Longer bound by the letter of the law (sin) OR satin! Satin can still make things happen to us (like get sick), BUT We Now Have Authority (Attorney of Power) over him. We can command him! That's the price my savior paid for me, along with all my crap and sin. Jesus won our victory on that day on the cross. I pray my words are starting to make clearer sense now.

This is going to bug some of you... Why Power & Authority? (Signs & Wonders) What makes Christianity different than any other religion? Signs & Wonders! Jesus came and performed Power & Authority. Did any other religion? They came and talked a good talk, but they didn't have Power & Authority. Jesus did. Why do I say that, cause if you are worshipping a God who is there and you don't expect anything except that which "may or may not" happen in your prayers, then pick another religion. Because Christianity is with Power & Authority! My God, through the atonement of Jesus, has given me my freedom and made me an heir to His Power & Authority. Jesus said "Freely you have been given, freely give." What's that mean to you? I know what that means for me. OR Peter says "Silver and gold I have none, but what I do have I give you..." How can he have it? This was after Christ's death (atonement). How can he give something he doesn't have? Christ said, "heal the sick". So why should we walk in Power & Authority? Why would an unbeliever want to choose Christianity as their faith if they see us, with all our crap in our lives, same as a Muslum, Buda, Hindu etc. Take away Signs & Wonders and we are the same when we pray and ask God to heal us. Hear me brother, hear me sisters. We have Power. 1 John 4:17 "As He IS so are we in this world." Connect to that power source and get turned on and allow that Power to Flow. It is in You! Release It!

See, I think some Christians take a bad situation and then, when it turns out working for the good after some sort of suffering, they think God wanted to teach me something through it. If you did learn something from it that's great! God can turn around ANY situation for his Glory. So if you have a bad situation He can use that to His benefit, but don't believe it is God who allowed you to suffer, or made you sick. That would nulifies Jesus's atonement for us. Maybe your were to stuborn to hear God before your suffering and then God used it for His Glory, BUT IT WAS NOT GOD WHO TORMENTED YOU or ALLOWED you to be sick or hurt to learn something. If I did that to one of my kids, I'd be put in jail. God's not skitso franic. God is LOVE. You can't tell me God will make you sick to teach you something- cause if you do, I ask you what kind of a God do you serve?
I probably don't need to repeat a lot of stuff, but I feel it falls on deaf ears. May my constant reminder sink into your hearts.
If there are any questions I can answer that anyone may have or help direct you to some good literature on the subject of Power & Authority in Healing, please email me back. If I can answer them I will. But the most important thing is that it becomes a journey to start walking in. I thank all of those who have written personal emails to me, encouraging me to keep writing. I pray my words feed all of you, to become stronger. I end saying this, if anything I said offended anyone... Good! It means you were probably comfortable where you were. Dig-in and look for the answers yourself (to contradict- if that be the case) what I have been saying. "You will find me when you search for me with ALL your heart." That doesn't mean half your heart, doesn't mean what is left over after a hard day of work. It means ALL. Bring Jesus to work day is in effect 2008 and the rest of yo lives. When your on your way home, and someone cuts you off. In stead of letting that guy know he's number 1, remember Jesus, then think about that guy, could that guy just have gotten fired from a job, lost a child, or is in some pain from a troubled marriage. It's time to be Jesus to them, it's time to BE Jesus altogether. Live with Power & Authority.

I want to end by saying a special "Thank You" to my wife! Who is a growing Christian. She sometimes struggles to understand what I am saying as some of which has fundamental truths to go from and she has not a full foundation for what I am saying YET. But she trusts me, and supports me. She is a wonderful mom and wife and I am so proud of her! For her growth in God this year! She's come from this little shy seed and is blossoming and it's B-E-A-Utiful! Thanks Honey! And Praise be to God for everything in everything, through everything! Thank you Jesus!

Something to ponder.... "Jesus ruined Every Funeral He went to, Even His own." -Bill Johnson

PS. I need your prayers for me and my family as I pursue my journey with Jesus! We are constantly under attack. Thanks!

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