Monday, June 9, 2008

Expectations & Doubt

I want to first say I feel lead to share what I am about to right now, so don't kill the messenger, ponder it. What I am about to say may rattle some folks a bit, so please pray about it.
"God is obligated to us" :) This is not what I thought up! Honest! He told me I needed to write it.

I know some of you are going to say, lutercris, blasfime! Stone him! But it is true. His Word does not go void. He stands behind His Word. If He tells us to do something, and we do it, He is obligated to stand behind His word! We to often take the subtle approach and allow Doubt to Rule instead Faith in His Word. Realize, if we do something that He told us to do either in His Word or Personally to you, He is obligated to stand behind that. If we do something that He said to, and nothing manifests it's self; Dig in deeper, stay strong, don't stop, and ask him for help.

1. It's OK to ask "What did I miss God?" (If any of you lacks wisdom let him ask) If He said so, it's not God holding back, we missed something. It could be a demonic hinderance, a sin, a thought of doubt. Find out so you can fix it to allow Him to flow.

2. If you are certain you heard Him clearly, and everything lines up biblically, Hold Him to it! Request His presence! I will be so bold as to even say you have the right to demand it; WITH a respectful heart. (If a buddy of yours owns a store and says any time you come by you can have what ever you want for free. So one hot sunny day, you go to his store and grab an ice cream and you start eating it before you leave the store. On your way out, one of the employees stops you and says you need to pay for it. You tell him the Owner Joe Smoe said it was OK, but he doesn't let you go. You have the Right to Call on the Owner! His word is final. Right!)

Now on the other hand, we have the same obligations too. This is not just a one way free deal ride here. We have the obligation to grow in our relationship with Him. It's how we grow stronger in Him. It's our free will that we offer Him, something in all His might, He can not just take. Why? His rules, he gave us free will and will not make us do anything. He put restrictions on Himself.

I want to clarify, I am NOT saying God is not answering your prayers because... I am saying Be BOLD and EXPECT! KNOW that you can Expect Him to follow through with His Word.
This can pan out 2 ways, you can either Expect something He said, or Doubt it. There should be no middle ground here. I'll expect it, but if I don't see it, it must not be. That's watered down expectation. We more than likely doubt it, rather than Expect it.

And the deeper part of that Expectation is Faith. That's another rabbit trail I am going to write about soon. There is some deepness to that that I need time for Him to reveal to me.

We live in a world that we expect more bad then good. Why? Is that what Jesus wanted for us? We are to be Bold and live a life with Freedom. Jesus gave us Authority over certain things, you can see it through His life, nature, sickness, death, demons, bondages, etc. These expectations only come with a renewed mind. For you can not see, what you can not fathom. When we pray over someone with a sickness or even death, we should expect them to rise, it should be normal to see miracles, and abnormal if these miracles do not manifest. So how do you view things? Do you expect them? Or do you put more faith in a failed miracle (doubt)? Ahh, it most likely won't happen...

What do we know about doubt? Doubt is the realm that kills miracles. We see that in Jesus' life, when He went to His own home town and He could do little to no miracles except heal only a few folks. Why? Doubt! Doubt kills, it's like demonic Round-Up™ killing the atmostsphere where the Holy Spirits power springs Miracles. There is a layer from this realm to the Heavenly realm. We need to break through that layer doubt leaves and allow His power to flow.

There needs to be a change in the mind from All Christians so they come into a place of expectations. Is it not awkward that we expect more bad then good? We should pray expecting? We should think it is weird, when prayers don't get answered. It becomes the norm. Does that make sense? Pray Expecting! Pray Bold!


OK, it's May now and I got another revelation on Expectations. I have been listening to Todd Bently's Healing revival in Lakeland Florida and Bill Johnson's sermons. I feel compelled to write this. Expectations open another realm. It is kind of like Faith. In fact it just may be faith. Let me explain... When one man prayers for another person in front of other people, those people just think it's prayer. When a Big Named person like Todd or Bill get up in front of others, those other people know and start to Expect to see a Miracle. I am in no ways demeaning or making little of how they got to their current position. They deserve high respect for their perseverance in their leadership. What I am pointing out is theirs and others level of expectancy in Miracles every time they have a gathering. Because their names are so well known for miracles, people flock in expectation. Yes, they have an anointing on them and that play it's part, but this expectation creates a strong atmospher of faith. (Hebrews 11:1 Now FAITH is the SUBSTANCE of things Hoped for, the EVIDENCE of things not seen.) When Heavy areas of Expectations occur, there is an explosion of Faith that breaks a barrior from Heaven to Earth, and those impossibilities become realms of normally possibility. This is why we see more Miracles happen when people flock because they come Expecting. So EXPECT God to react!

Another point to Keep in mind as you Expect is Flexability. What I mean is don't put yourself into a box by expecting things to work out a certain way, allow God to move within the area you are expecting to be answered anyway He chooses. This is were His sovereignty comes in. You need to be open to how He decides to move. If He tells you to spit on mud and put it on a blind person's eyes, with that person's permission, in the Name of Jesus do it. And Expect! Do not doubt (was that really you God). If God tells you to, do it expectingly! (Matthew 17:19-20 Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?” So Jesus said to them, “BECAUSE OF YOUR UNBELIEF; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.) Remember these are men who walked with Jesus for some time watching Him perform these Miracles all over. So don't think that you have faith, because they really had faith, they were seeing it first hand. It's harder to believe when you do not see, let alone when you are actually performing Miracles and walking with Jesus. (I am not talking about the comforter, just Faith/Belief.)

Expectation in short is Belief in God to act. Not by a cocky attitude, but in a bold anticipation. Expectations shape your Perception. The revelation understanding of a Spiritual Expectation coupled with Faith, will change the result of your manifested outcome. Expectations will shape your perception of the outcome.

Mark 5:29 & Luke 8:43
Woman with the issue of blood (Faith coupled with Expectation)
Titus 1:1-2
1. Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ for the FAITH of God's elect and the KNOWLEDGE of the truth that leads to godliness—
2. a FAITH and KNOWLEDGE resting on the HOPE of eternal life, which God, who DOES NOT LIE, promised before the beginning of time.
Proverbs 23:7
7 As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. (Whatever YOU THINK, will be.)

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