Monday, June 9, 2008

Exercising YOUR Authority

We need to realize this. Let's WAKE UP. We may have to change our way of praying and get after the devil. I did. It won't hurt you to change; it's good for you. We have Authority to do this. We're seated at the right hand of the Father, FAR above principalities and powers. If we are far above them, then we have Authority over them.

In the mind of God, we were raised when Christ was raised. When Christ sat down, we sat down, too. That's where we are now, positionally speaking: We're seated at the right hand of the Father with Christ.

All the Authority that was given to Christ has been given to us through Him, and we may exercise it. We help Him by carrying out His work upon the earth. And one aspect of His work that the Word of God tells us to do is conquer the devil! In fact, Christ can't do His work on the earth with out us! (It takes a simbiotic relationship to accomplish)

Not one single time in the New Testament is the church ever told to pray that God the Father (or Jesus) would do anything against the devil. In fact to do so is to waste your time. The believer is told to do something about the devil. The reason is because YOU have the Authority to do it. The church is not to pray to God the Father about the devil; the church is to exercise the Authority that belongs to it.

The New testament tells believers to themselves to do something about the devil. Even the least member of the Body of Christ (Newest Convert) has just as much Power over the devil as anyone else, and unless believers do something about the devil, nothing will be changed in a lot of areas. He slowly seeps in and changes things, discretely and quietly. Less force against him to fight. (Put a frog in boiling water and he will jump out, Put a frog in cold water and slowly turn up the heat, and he'll be comfortable until he dies.)

We want to help those who can't help themselves, but we need to teach people so they can grow and use their own Authority, because the time will come when they will have to use their own Authority if they want their prayers answered. If you don't do anything about it, nothing will be done. And that is why many times nothing is done in prayer. We become Beggars instead of Commanders!

We Christians must learn that we are seated with Christ. We must learn to be exalted to the place where God wants us! The Church fails too often in this ministry of Authority. Instead, she is bowed in defeat and is overcome with fear.
These words you just read, where from Kenneth E. Hagin's book "The Believers Authority"
I pray they were received to build you up in Jesus Name!

In All things, Praise God!
Your Brother in Christ-

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